  >  Mercedes Minis   >  Prophetic word for Oklahoma City! You’re on the Lord’s Heart & Mind… & He has great plans for you!

A prophetic word for Oklahoma City! You are on the Lord’s Heart And Mind… and He has great plans for you!


I saw a technology city rising out of a desert wasteland. It was something that can only be described as Walt Disney’s EPTOC – “the city of tomorrow.”

Immediately my mind went to Oklahoma City. I didn’t associate the vision I had seen with Oklahoma City at first, instead I took it as an unction to pray for the city.

Oklahoma City experienced terror and trauma long before columbine, NYC 9/11, Paris bombings, Orlando night club shootings, and Las Vegas strip shootings… it was Oklahoma City that was rocked by senseless violence and death long before it became embedded in culture.

In many ways the Oklahoma City bombing is a demarcation line between the safe and trusting America I grew up in verse the trauma laced and terror filled America we find ourselves in today.

After I had prayed for a bit a small voice said “google when the Oklahoma City Bombing took place…” to my shock it happened April 19, 1995 meaning the 25th anniversary was yesterday! I had no idea, but now I knew that the Lord was talking to me about Oklahoma City. The technology city of the future I saw was Oklahoma City rising up from a desert wasteland.

25 years ago the nightly news headlines were, “Terror in the Heartland” and 25 years on The feelings of grief, loss, and senseless death still hover over downtown… BUT today God is saying no more!

Oklahoma City is his “city of tomorrow”… I pulled this from Wikipedia to offer up an explanation for what I saw, “The park’s name, Epcot, was previously an acronym for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, a utopian city of the future planned by Walt Disney, often interchanging “city” and “community.” In Walt Disney’s words: “EPCOT will take its cue from the new ideas and new technologies that are now emerging from the creative centers of American industry. It will be a community of tomorrow that will never be completed but will always be introducing and testing, and demonstrating new materials and new systems. And EPCOT will always be a showcase to the world of the ingenuity and imagination of American free enterprise.”

I believe Oklahoma City will have the trauma and terror broken off of it in the coming months and experience new life and revitalization. It will emerge on the world stage as one of the leading cities for technology, sustainability, and innovation. That’s it’s prophetic destiny and what the Lord is calling forth through his intercessors. It will be the desire of nations.

I am soexcited to see what is going to come forth out of Oklahoma City!