If the Devil can’t trip you up he will distract you!
The more I hear the debates going on in various Christian circles the more I believe we are dealing with distraction. We are watching news articles, podcast, radio shows, YouTube videos and zoom calls about: the prophets “missing it”, the dangers of Christian nationalism, infidelity in the pulpit and so much more. As this is all swirling around the Church I am left with this overwhelming feeling that none of this is the REAL issue.
I feel like a passenger on a sinking ship with its leaders splitting into factions all shouting at one another…
- “Why didn’t you prophets see this coming and why did some of you predict a safe trip!”
- “Stand in faith or be judged. Start celebrating or face the consequences!”
- “Trust the plan. Something big is coming. It will all miraculously work out in the end.”
- “Christians shouldn’t be in politics. America was never great and it’s certainly not a Christian nation.”
Caught in the middle of this very public shouting match is the Bride AND the unbeliever… and to many of us the stark reality setting in is that while everyone is shouting, the truth is, we are taking on water!
That, in my opinion, is THE issue. If we don’t form a plan to patch the holes, bail ourselves out, and reverse course – we are all sunk.
It’s going to take all of us and while our leadership continues to bicker about who is more right and the factions only become more entrenched in their worldview I am realizing it’s falling to us to get focused on the actual issue… because time is ticking away and the water is rising.
So I wanted to offer my plan for next steps from one passenger to another…
This means securing election integrity at a state level. We all saw what happened on election night and in the days and weeks after. Securing our elections should be a top priory for all of us (especially in key swing states). Did you know… There are a number of state legislators already working on this? BUT we need more, so if you live in a swing state and no election integrity legislation is happening yet… start making calls to your representatives!
Arizona and Georgia have already started legislation but they need OUR help. A young man named Scott Presler has put together information about both states legislative efforts so far. Here is summary on the status of Arizona and Georgia.
In order for legislation to be voted on by a state chamber, it must first pass a committee. Therefore, a voter’s first priority is to contact committee members in states already working on these issues to express support for these bills. This has to be done for both the State House and Senate before legislation is sent to the governor.
Arizona is a Republican-controlled trifecta star government. Meaning we control the state Senate, state House and the states office of Governor. In AZ Governor Doug Ducey is term-limited and is unable to run for re-election in 2022. So now is the time to get this election integrity legislation passed!
- Here is the AZ House committee the bills HB2039 and HB2054 they are currently in: House Government & Elections Committee (https://legiscan.com/AZ/pending/senate-government-institutions-committee/id/1109?fbclid=IwAR3o_fPEJo4oI21vUXOK_2YVJiAJJ2ym-6CAHL3CizssyrntelOuoF77hJA) The House Committee Members (R: 7-6 majority) office contact information can be found here https://www.azleg.gov/agendas/01200208123.pdf
- Here is the AZ Senate Government Institutions Committee (https://legiscan.com/AZ/pending/senate-government-institutions-committee/id/1109?fbclid=IwAR3o_fPEJo4oI21vUXOK_2YVJiAJJ2ym-6CAHL3CizssyrntelOuoF77hJA)the bills are SB1002, SB1003, SB1010*, SB1020, SB1023, SB1025, SB1036, SB1068, SB1069, SB1071, and SB1072. Committee Members hold a R: 5-3 majority and their office contact information can be found here https://www.azleg.gov/agendas/01210168123.pdf
Georgia is a Republican-controlled trifecta state government. Governor Brian Kemp is up for re-election in 2022.
- GA House Special Committee on Election Integrity (https://legiscan.com/GA/pending/house-special-election-integrity-committee/id/4338?fbclid=IwAR1q29qxGSL7JVoLd22CRHL_lSgqDxzQivCCmIO_RPdLIQLVpHZBIsK6KjE) has the following bills pending HB59, HB62, HB64, HB65 and HB77. House contact information can be found here: https://www.legis.ga.gov/house
We MUST keep people aware (and focused) on the reality of voter fraud. Without focus we forget and there will be no meaningful change.
Like I said we have been taking on water for weeks now and amid the onslaught of executive orders the real threat to states rights is H.R. 1 “For the People Act of 2021.” Being in the minority now we have to choose which hills to die on and this is one of them.
If the 2020 election wasn’t traumatic enough Democrats introduced H.R. 1 to make their shadow campaign of state by state election “reform” permanent only this time at a federal level. Did you enjoy mail in ballots being counted after polls closed? Well Dems are looking to make that permanent. H.R. 1 also has things like automatic voter registration, restoring voting rights to felons, federal requirements for how to handle provisional, early and absentee ballots, even federal grants for “new” more “secure” voting systems. You can read it all here https://www.congress.gov/…/117th…/house-bill/1/text…
We must defeat this bill but even if we can’t it’s constitutionality will definitely be brought to the SCOTUS because it is only the individual states that have the right to govern how their elections are conducted… NOT the federal government. Be ready because this is the big kahuna we have to defeat!
We have to start recruiting and running better candidates in 2022. We MUST take back the House. Democrats recruit, train and put big money behind their candidates. Democrats have half a dozen organizations that do this… some run candidates as democrats in blue districts some run democrats as republicans in purple districts. Yes! They are that cunning.
Conservatives have nothing like this. We take whoever we get and that has left us embarrassed and frustrated more often then not. We need to recruit fiscal conservatives who support American jobs and energy independence. This is huge missing piece that I pray someone picks up and organizes.
Once we take the house in 2022 the White House is the next goal in 2024. Ideally we will control the House, Senate and the White House. We need to take a page from the Democrats because boy do they know how to wield political power! These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity.
I feel like Conservatives only know how to play defense and play the role of the underdog. We saw that happen in 2016-2018 when we had a trifecta of power but our elected swamp people really didn’t want to get anything done. As a result, we lost the house and suffered through the impeachment.
We can’t be caught flat footed again. The next time we regain political power we need our elected officials to have their legislative bills, public policy and party unity ready to go in order to secure the future of America for generations to come.
It’s going to take a new type of leadership… we need a throng of populist leaders that will unseat do nothing RHINOs. We will also need a bigger tent that encompasses more freedom loving Americans than just social conservatives. It’s going to take all of us, all types, all backgrounds, all races to preserve our republic.
Amidst all of this practical strategy concerning next steps there is also something spiritual that I think needs to happen. I believe the
American Church doesn’t necessarily need a “move of God” but we need a rededication to the Word of God and to the Fear of God. More and more lawlessness, people doing what is right in their own eyes, has taken root. Even in the church.
When I read the Bible it’s challenging and it confronts my human condition – that I am a sinner saved by grace but it also exhorts me to be holy as He is Holy. To put on the new man and a new way of living. I would challenge many of you, when is the last time you read the Bible and let the Word wash over you and renew your mind and emotions. Not the latest Christian book
but the Bible? Hopefully, you have been reading it regularly, but if your like me you don’t do it nearly enough. I believe what we need more than anything is a resurgence in our own hearts for a love for the Word of God, righteousness and self control.

Above all the most important thing to remember is, do not give up.
It doesn’t matter if our leadership is distracted. It doesn’t matter if we were hit unjustly and are now knee deep in water… The only thing that matters is that the boat we are all in is taking on water.