  >  Blog   >  I am forever thankful for you Rush
#Rush, there wasn’t enough time in this moment to tell you the impact you have had on my life. I grew up as a Rush baby riding in a car seat listening to you on talk radio. I have vivid memories riding in the backseat of my dads car and as we passed under power lines and the AM radio faded to static my dad only turned the volume up louder in order to hear you better. ?
There was also the time I was listening to you with my convertible top down enjoying the beautiful South Florida weather when I pulled to a stop light howling with laughter at a parody you were playing. Only to discover the man next to me at the light was also laughing at the radio… in that moment we both realized we were listening to the #rushlimbaugh program.
When you took your sabbatical 10-12 years ago I lived in West Palm Beach and printed out a big sign and hung it from my balcony overlooking the intracoastal that read “Welcome Back Rush!” Thinking maybe if you came across the Okeechobee Bridge you might see it, be encouraged, and know how much we missed you.
Rush, you have been apart of my life since before I can remember. You have helped shape my life and countless others. I applied to the Leadership Institute after hearing an ad on one of your “obscene profit breaks” and as a result was a LI campus field representative that year. I then worked for Sen. Mel Martinez South East office for a few years after that. Now I find myself advancing more and more into politics and putting to work the conservative ideals and values you taught me day in and day out on the #rushlimbaughshow.
Rush, I say all of this because you share in all of my successes! Without you and your program I know I would not be who I am today. You have helped shape my thinking and been a voice for truth and liberty for decades. Thank you for being a beacon and our true north. Thank you for being light hearted and funny when it was easy to be downcast. Now as you step into eternity, I hope you look down and see the impact you have had on millions of us by simply being you and doing what you loved to do each and everyday. I am forever thankful for you. It was a life well lived Rush. Until we meet again!