  >  Mercedes Minis   >  Wow!! What are all these signs behind the capital???

This video must be on a liberal page somewhere… how exciting. 😘

All joking aside… it was actually Goldman Sachs who put these signs out… yes the same Goldman Sachs that has been criticized in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, where it misled its investors and profited from the collapse of the mortgage market. This situation brought investigations from the United States Congress, the United States Department of Justice, and a lawsuit from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that resulted in Goldman paying a $550 million settlement. Goldman also received $12.9 billion from AIG counterparty payments provided by the AIG bailout, and $10 billion in TARP money from the government. That Goldman Sachs.

It’s reported they put these signs out to “represent the small businesses it has supported over the last decade and to bring attention to the need for more government assistance for small businesses.” If we have learned anything about Goldman Sachs it’s that their involvement in Government legislation has cost the tax payers millions. Let’s be honest… a giant globalist bank isn’t advocating for the little guy.

IMO, the best way to help small businesses right now is not plastic signs advocating for bloated legislation… the best way to help them is to let them run their business! Let them open and operate unencumbered by government regulation.